Title: Any Port in a Storm Series: The Dawn and Danny Chronicles Author: nilitara Fandom: CSI:NY, BtVS Rating: PG Ships: Danny/Dawn Word Count: 1561 Summary: Dawn meets Danny. That and the morning after. For: crossovers100 Prompt: 025. Strangers Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.
I took up a challenge at 100crossovers: Danny/Dawn from CSI:NY/BtVS. I decided I wanted to make one hundred one-shot from the same verse and, as a result, I present you
Title: Heroes' Fate Series: The Dawn and Danny Chronicles Author: nilitara Fandom: CSI:NY, BtVS Rating: PG Ships: Danny/Dawn Word Count: 1569 Summary: After Heroes (CSI:NY), Dawn finds her lover For: crossovers100 Prompt: 030. Death. Disclaimer: The characters are the property of their respective creator. I own nothing.